The impact of the Ukrainian crisis on KWH Logistics business group
KWH Logistics and the companies that are part of the business group condemns Russia’s military actions against Ukraine. We extend our deepest sympathies to all ukrainians affected by the conflict.
The crisis has also affected our business operations. The sanctions have partly affected the transit traffic handled by Rauanheimo. Therefore the handling of iron pellets from Russia has been interrupted in Kokkola. Rauanheimo has started co-operation negotiations to implement the adjustments for the personnel in Kokkola.
How the crisis will impact our other operations and logistics chains will depend on other possible sanctions and boycotts. The situation has some indirect effects on almost all of our operations. Our services are also affected by decisions from companies and shipping companies that conducts trade in Russia. In addition, there may be changes in the availability of transport capacity, schedules and routes compared to normal conditions.
For our part, we are following the situation closely. For further information about the effects of the crisis on KWH Logistics, please contact the Head of Division Joakim Laxåback.