Our Liebherr 954 ER material handler broke 50 000 hours of usage
We have reached a new milestone! Our Liebherr 954 ER material handler, which operates at the UPM Pietarsaari pulp mill, just reached 50 000 hours of usage on July 12th, 2019, at 01:18 AM.
The machine has basically worked non-stop in Pietarsaari for six years, three months and 20 days, averaging 21 hours and 45 minutes of usage every single day. In the factory, there are yearly maintenance periods that last up to a week, and shorter weekly service periods as well, when our Liebherr 954 machine is under maintenance. Without preventive and thorough care, this amount of usage hours would be impossible to reach in such a short time.
In the last 10 000 hours of usage, we have renewed the hydraulics valve box, the rotation engine, the pump as well as the ball race. During its entire usage, the machine has worked very well with little maintenance. Part of the reason for its minimal need for care has been the fact that it uses a 250-kilowatt electric engine and that it’s used regularly.
We have been extremely satisfied with this machine, so we have invested in getting the latest machine of this product row. That machine is still in parts in Pietarsaari and we can focus on using the first machine while offering our customers safety in case something goes wrong.
Altogether this machine has handled 20 million cubic meters of wood, which is a respectable number even globally for a single machine. Next, we are aiming at 60 000 hours of usage. If everything goes according to our plans, reaching that milestone will take about 460-470 days. We are about six years away from the magical mark of 100 000 hours of usage. Let’s see where this reliable workhorse will take us!